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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
B870.1. Animal extraordinarily heavy for size. Irish myth: Cross.
B871. Giant beasts.
B871.1. Giant domestic beasts.
B871.1.1. Giant cow. Irish myth: Cross.
B871.1.1.1. Giant ox. Persia: Carnoy 289; Japanese: Ikeda.
A1791. Giant ox ancestor of all animals. B182.2. Magic ox. X1237. Lie: remarkable ox or steer.
B871. Gigantic ox-rib (in otherworld). Irish myth: Cross.
F343.16. Gigantic ox-rib as gift from fairies.
B871.1.1.2. Giant bull. Irish myth: Cross; *Loomis White Magic 82.
B871.1.1.3. Giant buffalo.
G357.1. Hero overcomes devastating animal (buffalo).
B871.1.2. Giant boar. Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
B871. Giant boar with hinder part as large as can be carried by nine men. Irish myth: Cross.
B164. Giant devastating boar (pig).
B871.1.2.1. Giant hog. Fb "svin" III 676a.; India: Thompson-Balys; Irish myth: Cross.
B871. Gigantic hoo-rib (in otherworld). Irish myth: Cross.
F343.16. Gigantic ox-rib as gift from fairies.
B871.1.3. Giant sheep. Irish myth: Cross.
B871.1.4. Giant goat. Africa (Benga): Nassau 202 No. 32.
B871.1.5. Giant horse: hair from the tail is seven yards. Nornagests þ. ch. 7 p. 67.
B871.1.6. Giant cat. Irish myth: Cross.
B161. Monster cat devastates country.
B871.1.7. Giant dog (hound). Irish myth: Cross; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 114, Holm 24.
B871.2. Giant wild beasts.
B871.2.1. Giant elephant. Icel.: *Boberg; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 737, II 409; Africa (Mpongwe): Nassau 37 No. 5.
B871.2.2. Giant tiger. *Chauvin VII 86 n. 7.
B871.2.3. Giant panther. *Chauvin VII 86 n. 6.
B871.2.4. Giant hippopotamus. Chauvin VII 86 n. 5.
B871.2.5. Giant lion. Malone PMLA XLIII 402f.; Irish myth: Cross.
B871.2.6. Giant walrus. Irish myth: Cross.
B871.2.7. Giant mice. Irish myth: Cross.
B16.21. Giant man-eating mice.
B871.2.8. Giant hare. Icel.: Boberg.
B871.2.9. Giant armadillo. S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 71.