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C. Tabu
C162.2. Tabu: marrying unmanly person. Irish myth: Cross.
C162.3. Tabu: marrying outside of group (or caste). Jewish: *Neuman.
C163. Tabu: neglecting sexual relations in marriage. Irish myth: Cross.
C164. Tabu: forcing wife. Irish myth: Cross.
C165. Tabu: marriage with person whose blood one has drunk. Irish myth: Cross.
P312. Blood brotherhood. T61.1. Betrothal by lovers drinking each other's blood. T410. Incest.
C167. Tabu: playing at marriage ceremony.
C167.1. Boy who plays marriage-game finds he has actually been married to a spirit (invisible during ceremony). India: Thompson-Balys.
C168. Tabu: disregarding dream warning against marriage.
C168.1. Woman marries in spite of warning dream. Bears blind child who soon dies. India: Thompson-Balys.
D1812.3.3. Divination through interpretation of dreams. T311.0.1. Woman's aversion to marriage motivated through a dream.
C169. Tabu connected with marriage — miscellaneous.
C169.1. Tabu: not to lay down basket carrying bride on wedding journey. India: Thompson-Balys.
C169.2. Tabu: giving younger daughter in marriage before elder. Jewish: Neuman.
C170. Tabu connected with husband's or wife's relatives.
C435.1. Tabu: uttering name of other close relations. P282.3. Stepmother in love with stepson.
C171. Mother-in-law tabu. Mother-in-law and son-in-law must not have anything to do with each other. — *Frazer Golden Bough XII 378 s.v. "mother-in-law"; *Andree Ethnographische Parallelen (1878) 159. — Jewish: Neuman; Africa (Zulu): Calaway 164, (Upoto): Einstein 129.
C172. Sister-in-law tabu: older brother must avoid younger brother's wife. Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
C173. Daughter-in-law tabu. Jewish: Neuman.
C180. Tabu confined to one sex.
C550. Class tabu.
C181. Tabu confined to women. Irish myth: Cross.
C229.2. Tabu: women not to eat genitals of animals. C313.1. Tabu: woman looking at nude man. C566.3. Tabu: women leaving hero's land without his knowing it. C619.4. Tabu: women to be on certain island. D1982.1. Magic door invisible to women.
C181.1. Tabu: woman not to touch husband's drum (magic object). Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 176 No. 25, (Ekoi): Talbot 18.
C500. Tabu: touching.
C181.2. Tabu: women not to participate in hunting activities. Lappish: Holmberg Finno-Ugric 84.
C229.2. Tabu: women not to eat genitals of animals.
C181.3. Tabu: women not to touch man's weapons. (Cf. C835.2.) — *Krappe Études de Mythologie 115ff., Jewish: Neuman; Icelandic: Boberg.