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C. Tabu

C200—C299. Eating and drinking tabu.


C200. Tabu: eating (general). **Schurtz (H). Die Speiseverbote, ein Problem der Volkskunde (Hamburg, 1893); *Frazer Golden Bough III 116ff.; *Type 400. — Irish myth: Cross; India: *Thompson-Balys; Indonesian: DeVries' list No. 205; Borneo: Dixon 181; Lepers' Island: Ibid. 127. — Zuñi: Parsons JAFL XXIX 393.
D550. Transformation by eating or drinking. D1365.3. Food causes magic forgetfulness. D1766.8. Magic results from fasting. D1766.8.1. Fasting a part of magic ritual. P623. Fasting as a means of distraint. V462.2. Ascetic fasting.
C205. Tabu: eating one's fill. Africa (Wakweli): Bender 43.
C210. Tabu: eating in certain place. India: Thompson-Balys.
C211. Tabu: eating in other world. *Cosquin Études Folkloriques 192; *Fb "mad" II 524b; Golther Germanische Mythologie 477; Hdwb. d. Abergl. II 1053; Guntert Kalypso 154ff.; Boberg Bjergfolkenes Bagning (DF XLVI) 56ff. — Norse: Herrmann Saxo II 586ff., MacCulloch Eddic 321; *Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 39 n. 4, Gaster Thespis 191, Oldest Stories 232; India: Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 338 n. 217c; Melanesian: Codrington 277; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 148.
C262. Tabu: drinking in other world. C710. Tabus connected with otherworld journeys.
C211.1. Tabu: eating in fairyland. *Fb "spise" III 495a; Feilberg Bjærgtagen 15f., 19, 28, 56—64, 100; Hartland Science 38—43, 144. — English-Scottish: Child I 322—5, 327, II 505, IV 455, 458, Wimberly Folklore in Ballads, 159, 275ff.; Irish myth: Cross, MacCulloch Celtic 90* n. 19; Wales: Baughman.
C242. Tabu: eating food of witch (demon). C661. Girl from elfland must eat earthly food in order to remain. C712.1. Tabu: staying too long in fairyland. F210. Fairyland. F378. Tabus connected with trip to fairyland. F384.1.2. Salt sprinkled on fairy food renders it harmless.
C211.2. Tabu: eating in lower world. *Penzer VI 133. — English-Scottish: Child I 322—9 passim. — Maori: Dixon 77; Jewish: Bin Gorion Born Judas I (2d. ed.) 228, VI 64.
C225.1. Tabu: eating pomegranate seed.
C211.2.1. Tabu: eating in land of ghosts. *Hartland Science 45. — Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 210, 240; Maori: Clark 8.
C211.2.2. Tabu: eating in hell (hades). *Fb "mad" II 524.
C211.3. Tabu: sky dwellers eating on earth. Africa (Cameroon): Rosenhuber 38.
C211.3.1. Tabu: goddess eating on earth. Ila: Smith and Dale 347.
C211.3.2. Tabu: fairies eating mortal food. Irish myth: Cross.
F243.0.1. Christianized fairy woman refuses to eat fairy food.
C215. Married man not to eat in country of his parents. Fjort: Dennett 43 No. 6.
C219. Tabu: eating from certain place — miscellaneous.
C219.1. Tabu: eating from ground. Youth will eat only when on ox. Zulu: Callaway 221.