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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
C224.4. Tabu: horses' eating foreign provender. Greek: *Grote II 130.
C225. Tabu: eating certain fruit. Benga: Nassau 140 No. 16; India: Thompson-Balys; S. Am. Indian (Tupenamba): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 172; Jewish: Neuman.
A1331.1. Paradise lost because of forbidden fruit. C621. Forbidden tree.
C225.1. Tabu: eating pomegranate seed. Greek: Fox 229.
C211.2. Tabu: eating in lower world.
C226. Tabu: eating certain plant.
C226.0.1. Why slayers of tigers must not eat certain plants. India: Thompson-Balys.
C227. Tabu: eating human flesh.
C227.1. Why cannibalism is out of vogue. New Guinea: Ker 13.
G0. Cannibalism.
C229. Tabu: eating certain thing — miscellaneous.
C229.1. Tabu: eating thick milk. Kaffir: Theal 49.
C229.2. Tabu: women not to eat genitals (heart, liver, etc.) of animals. (Cf. C221.3.1.) — Nippigen Revue Anthropologique XIV 399. — Ekoi: Talbot 409.
C181. Tabu confined to women. C933. Luck in hunting lost for breaking tabu.
C229.3. Tabu: eating griddle cakes (in Garden of Eden). — India: Thompson-Balys.
C229.4. Tabu: eating firstlings (animals, fruit, etc.) — Jewish: Neuman.
C229.5. Eating meat with milk. (Cf. C271). — Jewish: *Neuman.
C229.6. Tabu: eating salt. Africa (Togo): Einstein 8f.; Jewish: Neuman.
C230. Tabu: eating at certain time. Irish: Beal XXI 314; Jewish: *Neuman.
C755. Tabu: doing thing during certain time.
C230.1. Tabu: feasting for a week. Irish myth: Cross.
C231. Tabu: eating before certain time. Irish myth: Cross.
M151. Vow not to eat before hearing of adventure.
C231.1. Tabu: girl eating before being called by father. India: Thompson-Balys; Zulu: Callaway 192.
C231.2. Tabu: eating before task is finished. Zuñi: Boas JAFL XXXV 76 No. 4.
C231.3. Tabu: eating before offering woman food. Irish myth: Cross.
C231.3.1. Tabu: eating of magic catch before mother does. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen II 233.
C231.4. Tabu: eating before house of host has been righted. Irish myth: Cross.
C231.5. Eight handfuls of food only to be eaten during ceremony. India: Thompson-Balys.
C231.6. Tabu: eating before three years have passed. Jewish: Neuman.