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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
C312.1.1. Tabu: man looking at nude goddess. Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus I 363 n. 1 (Tiresias), Fox 46, 185 (Acteon), Grote I 238; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
C31.1.3. Tabu: looking at supernatural wife naked. C52. Tabu: being in presence of god. C943. Loss of sight for breaking tabu. Q221. Personal offences against gods punished. Q415.1.1. Punishment: transformation to deer which is devoured by dogs.
C312.1.2. Tabu: looking at nude woman riding through town. (Godiva.) — Hartland "Peeping Tom and Lady Godiva" FL I 207; Liebrecht Zur Volkskunde 105; English: Baughman.
M235. Godiva.
C312.2. Tabu: looking at woman (miscellaneous).
C312.2.1. Tabu: looking at princess on public appearance. *Chauvin V 61 No. 19; India: Thompson-Balys.
P40. Princesses.
C312.2.2. Tabu: looking at old woman helper as she eats. Gold Coast: Barker and Sinclair 90 No. 16.
C312.2.3. Tabu: looking at supernatural woman who is dismembered. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
C312.2.4. Tabu: looking at women performing Bacchic rites. Greek: Grote I 239.
C312.3. Tabu: on looking at daughter for twelve years. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C313. Tabu: woman looking at man.
C313.0.1. Tabu: princess never to see male person. All men must hide when she goes forth. India: Thompson-Balys.
C313.1. Tabu: woman seeing nude man. Greek: Odyssey VI line 128 (Odysseus).
F647.4. Marvelous sensitiveness: women blush. F1041.32.2. Woman dies of shame at seeing naked man (husband).
C313.1.1. Tabu: goddess seeing mortal husband naked. Hindu: Keith 95.
C315. Tabu: looking at certain object.
C51.1. Tabu: profaning shrine. C93. Tabu: trespassing on sacred precinct.
C315.1. Tabu: looking at certain boat. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. "bateau". — Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 375, Rasmussen I 239.
C315.2. Tabu: looking at heavenly body.
C315.2.1. Looking at moon when shooting game. Bushman: Bleek and Lloyd 67.
C315.2.2. Tabu: looking at sun. Eskimo (Smith Sound): Kroeber JAFL XII 180, (Greenland): Rink 441, Rasmussen III 51, Holm 72.
C315.2.2.1. Tabu: looking at sun before prince becomes fourteen years old. India: Thompson-Balys.
C756. Tabu: doing thing before certain time. M300. Prophecies.
C315.2.3. Tabu: looking at rainbow. Jewish: Neuman; S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 39.
C315.3. Tabu: looking at water. India: *Thompson-Balys.