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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
C432.1. Guessing name of supernatural creature gives power over him. (Tom-Tit-Tot). — *Type 500; BP I 495; *Clodd Tom-Tit-Tot; Köhler-Bolte I 109; *Fb "gjætte" I 452; Henne-am Rhyn² No. 618. — Icelandic: Arnason Legends of Iceland (Powell tr.) I 49, *Boberg.
E443.3. Ghosts exorcised by name. F381.1. Fairy leaves when he is named. H521. Test: guessing unknown propounder's name. N475. Secret name overheard by eavesdropper.
C433. Tabu: uttering name of malevolent creature (Eumenides). To avoid the evil results of naming these creatures other names are substituted. The Furies are spoken of as Eumenides; rats and mice as "the large" and "the small". — *Fb "rotte" III 83a, "mus" II 630b; Güntert Von der Sprache der Götter und Geister (Halle, 1921) 16; ibid. Kalypso 91; Irish myth: Cross; Esthonian: Loorits Grundzüge I 239—248; Greek: Fox 276. — African: Werner African 83.
C433.1. Person obnoxious for his sins spoken of as "the other". Jewish: Neuman. — Krappe "L'autre" The French Review XVII (1944) 145ff.
C433.2. Dangerous animals not to be named. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 134, III 70.
C435. Tabu: uttering relative's name.
C435.1. Tabu: uttering spouse's name. *MacCulloch Childhood 337; Frazer Golden Bough III 333—339 passim. — Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
C190. Sex tabu: miscellaneous. D511.1. Man calls wife "my swallow"; she becomes swallow.
C435.1.1. Tabu: uttering name of supernatural wife. Irish myth: Cross.
C31. Tabu: offending supernatural wife.
C435.1.1.1. Woman (fairy) causes twofold death of mortal husband who utters her name. Irish myth: Cross.
F901.2. Extraordinary twofold death.
C435.2. Tabu: uttering name of other close relations. India: Thompson-Balys.
C435.2.1. Tabu: uttering name of sister-in-law. India: Thompson-Balys.
C436. Tabu: disclosing own identity. A supernatural person must not tell who he is. Irish myth: Cross.
N731.2. Father-son combat.
C437. Tabu: giving child a name lest it die early. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen II 298.
C600. Care of children.
C440. Origin tabu. Prohibition against mention of origin of person or thing.
C31.2. Tabu: mentioning origin of supernatural wife. C33.1. Tabu: mentioning origin of supernatural child. C35.1. Tabu: mentioning origin of animal wife. C963. Person returns to original form when tabu is broken.
C441. Tabu: mentioning original form of transformed person. See references in C31.2, C33.1, and C35.1. — MacCulloch Childhood 261; Tupper and Ogle Walter Map 221; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 342 n. 234; India: Thompson-Balys.
B600. Marriage of person to animal.
C441.1. Family dares not discuss tigers, fearing that son in form of tiger will return. Chinese.: Graham.