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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
C490.1. Substitutes for tabu expressions.
C490.1.1. "Save it for the beggar" (substitute for "save it for tomorrow". You may be dead by tomorrow.) — India: Thompson-Balys.
C491. Tabu: expressing astonishment at marvel. (Cf. C411, C423.2.) — *Köhler-Bolte I 220. — Irish: Beal XXI 314; Jamaica: Beckwith MAFLS XVII 254 No. 31.
D512.1. Transformation when one expresses astonishment at smith drawing water in an egg-shell.
C491.1. Tabu: screaming at terrible sight. Hartland Science 243.
C492. Tabu: speaking to strangers. Seneca: Curtin-Hewitt RBAE XXXII 166 No. 29.
C745. Tabu: entertaining strangers.
C493. Tabu: thanking (under certain circumstances). Fb "takke" III 763a; Hdwb. d. Abergl. II 171; Icel.: *Boberg.
C493.1. Tabu: wishing good luck. One must not wish a hunter good luck or a sailor good voyage. — Fb "ønske" III 1178b.
N131. Acts performed for changing luck.
C494. Tabu: cursing. Jewish: Neuman.
M400. Curses.
C495. Tabu: using any except one certain phrase. India: Thompson-Balys.
J1156. Judge fails to ask proper question.
C495.1. All questions to be answered, "I don't know". A youth is so advised by his horse. *Type 532.
C495.2. "We three" — "For gold" — "That is right". These expressions are the sole conversation of three men.
C495.2.1. "We three" — "For gold" — "That is right" devil's bargain. Three brothers have agreed to say only these things. They incriminate themselves. — *Type 360; BP II 561; India: Thompson-Balys.
J2511.2. Numskulls make silence wager. Arrested as thieves.
C495.2.2. "We three" — "For gold" — "That is right": phrases of foreign language. Three travelers know each one phrase of a foreign language. They incriminate themselves. *Type 1697; BP II 561; Nouvelles Recreations No. 20; India: Thompson-Balys.
M175. Pledge to say but a single phrase. In carrying out this agreement the men innocently confess a crime.
C495.2.2.1. "Yes" — "No" — "Very well". — India: Thompson-Balys.
C495.3. All questions to be answered "Thanks". Youth is so advised by old woman helper. Type 593.
C496. Tabu: using obscene language. Jewish: Neuman.
C497. Tabu: speaking to the dead. India: Thompson-Balys.
E400. Ghosts and revenants. — miscellaneous.
C498. Speaking tabu: the one forbidden expression.
C600. Unique prohibition. A person is forbidden to do one particular thing; everything else he is free to do.
C498.1. Speaking tabu: the one forbidden expression — "Sorrow is not eternal". — India: Thompson-Balys.
C499. Additional speaking tabus.