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Bibliography and Abbreviations

*Finno-Ugric Mythology (The Mythology of all Races IV). Boston, 1927.
Gudstrons uppkomst. Uppsala, 1917.
*Siberian Mythology (The Mythology of all Races IV). Boston 1927.

*Holmström, Helge. Studier över svanjungfrumotivet. Malmö, 1919.

*Howey, M. O. The Horse in Magic and Myth. London, 1923.

Hrßolfs Saga Kraka (ed. Finnur Jonsson). København, 1904.

*Hromundarsaga Greipssonar (FAS II 363 ff.).

*Huber, P. Michael. Die Wanderlegende von den Siebenschläfern. Leipzig, 1910.

*Huet, G. Les contes populaires. Paris, 1923.

*Hultkrantz, Åke. Conceptions of the Soul Among North American Indians. Stockholm, 1953.

Irwin, Cecilia Pauze. Summaries of the Stories of Béroalde de Verville's La Moyen de Parvenir. Unpublished M. A. thesis, University of South Carolina, 1953.

Ittman, J. *Einiges aus Bankon-Literatur (ZsES XVII).
*Nyang-Märchen (ZsES XVII).

Jacobs, Joseph. Book of Wonder Voyages. London, 1896.
*The Fables of Aesop. New York, 1894.
Celtic Fairy Tales. London, 1892.
More Celtic Fairy Tales. London, 1894.
English Fairy Tales. London, 1890.
More English Fairy Tales. London, 1895.

*Jacobs' list = Jacobs, Joseph. "List of Folk-Tale Incidents common to European Folk-Tales" in Papers and Transactions of the International Folk-lore Congress, 1891. London, 1892.

*Jacottet, E. The Treasury of Basuto Lore. London, 1908.

*JAFL = Journal of American Folk-Lore. Boston, etc., 1888 ff.

JAI = Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1871 ff.

JAOS = Journal of the American Oriental Society. Boston, etc., 1849 ff.

☉Jansen, William Hugh. Abraham "Oregon" Smith: pioneer, folk hero, and tale-teller. (Indiana University Ph. D. thesis.) Typewritten MS. Indiana University Library. Bloomington (Ind.), 1949.

JAS = Journal of the African Society. 34 vols. London, 1862—1900.

Jātaka. See Cowell.

JE = Publications of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition. New York, etc., 1898 ff.

*Jegerlehner, Johannes. Sagen und Märchen aus dem Oberwallis. Basel, 1909.

Jenness, Diamond. Notes and Traditions from Northern Alaska (Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, Southern Party, 1913—16, XIII). Ottawa, 1924.