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C. Tabu
C614.1. Forbidden direction of travel. Person free to go in any other. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys.
C614.1.0.1. Tabu: going in a certain direction while tending cattle. India: Thompson-Balys.
C614.1.0.2. Tabu: hunting in certain part of forest. (Cf. C612.) — India: *Thompson-Balys.
C614.1.0.3. Forbidden direction: not to step outside a certain line. India: Thompson-Balys.
C614.1.1. Forbidden direction: north. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C614.1.2. Forbidden direction: south. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C614.1.3. Forbidden direction: west. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C614.1.4. Forbidden direction: east.
C614.1.5. Tabu: going in direction either of sunset or sunrise. India: Thompson-Balys.
C614.2. Tabu: going through a wicket gate. Irish myth: Cross.
C615. Forbidden body of water. Mono-Alu: Wheeler 69.
C615.1. Forbidden lake (pool).
C615.2. Hero not to swim in certain lake. Irish myth: Cross.
G308.4. Lake made dangerous by haunting serpent.
C615.3. Lake forbidden at certain time. Irish myth: Cross.
C751. Doing thing at certain time.
C615.4. Tabu: not to rest near a lake. India: Thompson-Balys.
C615.5. Certain pool to be approached only when properly attired. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 288.
C616. Tabu: feasting visitor at certain place. Irish myth: Cross.
P320. Hospitality.
C617. Forbidden country. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
Q431. Punishment: banishment (exile).
C617.1. Forbidden (perilous) ford. Irish myth: Cross.
H1561.2.3. Combats at fords.
C619. The one forbidden place — miscellaneous.
C619.1. Forbidden hostel. Irish myth: Cross.
C619.2. Tabu: going into wild boar's haunt. Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
C841.4. Tabu: hunting a pig.
C619.3. Forbidden horse fair. Irish myth: Cross.
C619.4. Tabu: women to be on certain island. Irish myth: Cross.
C181. Tabus confined to women.
C620. Tabu: partaking of the one forbidden object. India: Thompson-Balys.
C621. Forbidden tree. Fruit of all trees may be eaten, except one. *Frazer Testament I 45ff.; *Dh I 208ff. — Irish myth: Cross; India: