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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
C742. Tabu: striking monster twice. Though monster begs that hero strike him again, hero refuses. Monster would otherwise revive. — *Chauvin VII 69 No. 348 n. 2; *Wesselski Theorie 143 and n.; *Köhler-Bolte I 469ff.; *Krappe Revue d'Ethnographie et des Traditions Populaires (1925) 432ff.; **Wesselski Erlesenes 18ff.; *BP IV 395.
C762. Tabu: doing thing too often. E11.1. Second blow resuscitates. First kills.
C742.1. Man must be killed with first blow: others will not harm him. Irish myth: Cross.
Z310. Unique vulnerability.
C743. Tabu: putting house in order for one man. Irish myth: Cross.
P320. Hospitality.
C744. Tabu: accepting an invitation. Irish myth: Cross.
C282. Tabu: refusing a feast.
C745. Tabu: entertaining strangers. Jewish: Neuman.
C745.1. Tabu: heeding pleas of old woman for food and warmth. (Old woman is transformed demon.) — India: Thompson-Balys.
C746. Tabu: watching a game without helping the losing player. Irish myth: Cross.
C747. Tabu: not to allow any other creature on raft. India: Thompson-Balys.
C750. Time tabus. India: Thompson-Balys.
C630. Tabu: the one forbidden time. C684. Compulsion to perform task yearly. C687. Injunction to perform certain act daily.
C751. Tabu: doing thing at certain time. Irish myth: Cross.
C615.1. Lake forbidden at certain time. C641.1. Tabu: making war against certain tribe on Tuesday. C725. Tabu: attending call of nature at certain time. C856.1. Tabu: leaving track of army at certain place, time. N128. Unlucky days.
C751.1. Tabu: lighting fire at certain time. *Chauvin VII 116 No. 385; Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: *Neuman.
C751.1.1. Tabu: lighting fire before king lights one. (Cf. C756.) — Irish myth: Cross.
C751.2. Tabu: sleeping with certain wife on Midsummer's Eve. Irish myth: Cross.
C100. Sex tabu. C160. Tabu connected with marriage.
C751.3. Tabu: convening certain hunt at certain time. Irish myth: Cross.
C751.4. Tabu: going on water Monday after May Day. Irish myth: Cross.
C751.5. Tabu: making treaty at certain time. Irish myth: Cross.
C751.6. Tabu: leaving capital every ninth night. Irish myth: Cross.
C751.7. Tabu: doing thing at sunrise. Irish myth: Cross.
C751.7.1. Tabu: being in certain place at sunrise. Irish myth: Cross.
C610. The one forbidden place. C735.2.3. Tabu: king (hero) sleeping a sunrise at capital.
C751.8. Tabu: carrying food at night. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 144.