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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
C756. Tabu: doing thing before certain time.
C300. Looking tabu. C402. Tabu: speaking before certain time. C842. Tabu: exposure to sunlight. C951. Girl carried off because of broken tabu. T381. Imprisoned virgin to prevent knowledge of men (marriage, impregnation).
C756.0.1. Tabu: ringing bell before certain time. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 242 No. 188.
C756.1. Tabu: going home before dog precedes. Fb "hund" I 678b.
C756.2. Tabu: letting sun shine on girl before she is thirty years old. Fb "sol" III 458a.
C842. Tabu: exposure to sunlight. C951. Girl carried off because of broken tabu. T381. Imprisoned virgin to prevent knowledge of men (marriage, impregnation). T521. Conception from sunlight.
C756.3. Tabu: going home before adventure is completed. South African: Bourhill and Drake Fairy Tales from South Africa 237ff. No. 20.
C756.4. Tabu: entering chariot less than three weeks after having eaten horseflesh. Irish myth: Cross.
Q499.6. Penance for three years and a half for eating horseflesh.
C757. Tabu: doing thing too soon. India: Thompson-Balys.
C735.2.8. Tabu: sleeping two nights in the same place until certain result is attained. C735.2.9. Tabu: to rest sitting or lying until answer to certain question is learned. C761.4.1. Tabu: staying two nights in one place until certain event is brought to pass. D806.1. Magic object effective when struck on ground once only. Second blow renders useless.
C757.1. Tabu: destroying animal skin of enchanted person too soon. *Type 425; Tegethoff Amor und Psyche 32ff. — Missouri French: Carrière; India: *Thompson-Balys.
C32. Tabu: offending supernatural husband. C32.1. Tabu: looking at supernatural husband. C321.2. Tabu: opening box prematurely. C421. Tabu: revealing secret of supernatural husband. C761.2. Tabu: staying too long at home. D721.3. Disenchantment by destroying skin.
C757.2. Tabu: telling adventure in otherworld too soon. India: *Thompson-Balys; Calif. Indian: Gayton and Newman 99.
C423.3. Tabu: revealing experiences in other world.
C758. Tabu: doing thing too hastily.
C758.1. Monster born because of hasty (inconsiderate) wish of parents. **Tegethoff 24; *Types 425, 430, 433B, 441; BP II 235ff, *483, III 534; Wesselski Mönchslatein 15 No. 11; India: Thompson-Balys.
S223. Childless couple promise child to the devil if they may only have one. T548.1. Child born in answer to prayer. T553. Thumbling born as result of hasty wish of parents. They wish for a child, no matter how small he may be.
C761. Tabu: doing thing too long.
C761.1. Tabu: remaining on journey too long. English: Wells 66 (Ywain and Gawain). — Chinese: Graham.
C761.2. Tabu: staying too long at home. *Type 425; Tegethoff Amor und Psyche 34ff.
C32. Tabu: offending supernatural husband. C712. Tabu: staying too long in other world. C713.3. Tabu: wife of merman staying too long at home (on visit).
C761.3. Tabu: staying too long at ball. Must leave before certain hour. — *Type 510AB; *Cox Cinderella passim; Missouri French: Carrière.
R221. Heroine's three-fold flight from ball.