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C. Tabu
chantment follows. — Type 325; BP II 60ff, *67 (Gr. No. 68). — India: *Thompson-Balys.
D535. Transformation to horse (ass, etc.) by putting on bridle. D612. Protean sale. D722. Disenchantment by taking off bridle. D1209.1. Magic bridle.
C841. Tabu: killing certain animals. Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
B2. Animal totems. C221.1. Tabu: eating flesh of certain animal.
C841.0.1. Clerics' voyage unsuccessful because they sailed in boats of skin. Irish myth: Cross.
F111.2.1. Island of Tir Tairngire (Land of Promise) cannot be reached in boat made of "dead soft skins of animals."
C841.0.2. Tabu: wounding animal; must be killed outright. Irish myth: Cross.
C841.0.3. Tabu: killing animal which takes refuge with one. India: Thompson-Balys.
C841.1. Tabu: killing stork. Bird was once maiden. (Cf. A1715, A1966.) — Dh III 286. — Fb "stork" III 592.
C92.5. Tabu: killing stork as sacred being. N250.1. Bad luck follows man who shoots stork.
C841.2. Tabu: hunting birds. Supernatural lover (king of birds) tells woman that son must not do so. — Irish myth: Cross.
C841.3. Tabu: burning caterpillars. India: Thompson-Balys.
C32.3. Tabu: burning animal husband.
C841.4. Tabu: hunting a pig. Irish myth: Cross.
C619.2. Tabu: going into wild boar's haunt. M397. Prophecy: hunters will encounter certain wild boar.
C841.5. Tabu: killing a swan. Irish myth: Cross.
D161. Transformation: man to swan.
C841.6. Tabu: killing golden duck. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
C841.7. Tabu: killing totem animal. Irish myth: Cross.
B2. Animal totems. C221.2. Tabu: eating totem animal. E765.2. Life bound up with that of animal.
C841.8. Tabu: killing deer. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C841.8.1. Tabu: killing antelope. Africa (Fang): Tessman 190f.
C841.9. Tabu: killing certain fish. India: Thompson-Balys.
C841.10. Tabu: killing albatross.
C841.10.1. Killing albatross causes misfortune to follow killer. England: Baughman.
C841.11. Tabu: killing a cat. India: Thompson-Balys.
C842. Tabu: exposure to sunlight. Köhler-Bolte Zs. f. Vksk. VI 72 (to Gonzenbach No. 34); Grimm No. 88; Gaster Oldest Stories 169. — African (Basuto): Jacottet 184, 186 No. 27, (Kaffir): Theal 56, (Ibo, Nigeria): Basden 276, (Pangwe): Tessman 367.
C756.2. Tabu: letting sun shine on girl before she is thirty years old. T521. Conception from sunlight.
C842.1. Tabu: working iron under direct rays of sun. India: Thompson-Balys.