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C. Tabu
C867. Tabu: unusual cruelty.
C867.1. Tabu: abusing women or children. Irish myth: Cross.
C180. Tabu confined to one sex. S400. Cruel persecutions. T600. Care of children. W11.5.12. Hero in battle refuses to slay women.
C867.1.0.1. Tabu: bearded men abusing women and children. Irish myth: Cross.
C565. Tabus of bearded men.
C868. Tabu: leaving land entirely unoccupied. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (t-G 3/711).
C871. Tabu: refusing a request. Irish myth: Cross.
C152.2. Tabu: refusing unreasonable demand of pregnant woman. M158. Vow never to refuse food to any man. M202.0.1. Bargain: a promise to be fulfilled at all hazards. M223. Blind promise. P319.7. "Friendship without refusal." W11.15. Generous person refuses no man anything.
C871.0.1. Tabu: bearded man refusing request. Irish myth: Cross.
C565. Tabus for bearded men.
C872. Tabu: turning away from (refusing requests of) poets. Irish myth: Cross.
P427.7. Poet (fill, ollamh, scelalge, anchaid).
C874. Tabu: breaking up revelry before its end. Irish myth: Cross.
C282.1. Tabu: leaving a feast before it is ended.
C875. Tabu: carrying child on one's back into house. Irish myth: Cross.
C876. Tabu: leaping a camping place. Irish myth: Cross.
C878. Tabu concerning clothing. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: *Neuman.
C878.1. Tabu: wearing satin. Irish myth: Cross.
C878.2. Tabu: wearing silk. Irish myth: Cross.
C878.2.1. Tabu: going to battle without being clothed in silk. Irish myth: Cross.
C856. Tabus concerning war. P550. Military affairs.
C881. Tabu: grumbling.
Q312. Fault-finding punished.
C881.1. Tabu: grumbling at narrowness of certain boat. Irish myth: Cross.
C882. Tabu: watching game without aiding loser. Irish myth: Cross.
C300. Looking tabu.
C883. Tabu: crossing graveyard without alighting. Irish myth: Cross.
C884. Tabu: concerning riding horses.
C884.1. Tabu: halting or unloading horse. Irish myth: Cross.
C884.2. Tabu: allowing horse to lose his bridle, stray or stale. Irish myth: Cross.
A920.1.6. Lake from urine of horse.
C885. Tabu: hearing or listening.
C681. Compulsion to answer cry.
C885.1. Tabu: listening to fluttering of birds after sunset. Irish myth: Cross.
C752.1. Tabu: doing thing after sunset.