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C. Tabu
C901.1.3.1. Tabu imposed by forthputting woman. Irish myth: Cross.
T55. Girl as wooer.
C901.1.4. Tabu imposed by host. Irish myth: Cross.
P320. Hospitality.
C901.1.5. Tabu imposed by fairy. Irish myth: Cross.
C841.2. Tabu: killing birds. F361. Fairy's revenge.
C901.1.6. Tabu imposed by saint. Irish myth: Cross.
D1713. Magic power of hermit (saint).
C901.2. Tabu imposed at birth. Irish myth: Cross.
T583. Accompaniments of childbirth.
C901.3. Tabu imposed by magic. Irish myth: Cross.
D2060. Death or bodily injury by magic. D2070. Bewitching.
C901.4. Punishment for breaking tabu: assigner of punishment suffers his own penalty.
T258.1. The curious wife: wait and see.
C901.4.1. King breaks his own tabu and meets with the punishment he has set for violation of it. (His nose is cut off). India: Thompson-Balys.
C905. Supernatural being punishes breach of tabu.
C905.1. Dwarf punishes for breach of tabu. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 322.
C905.2. Moon punishes for breach of tabu. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 90—95.
C910. Permanent sign of disobedience for breaking tabu. French Canadian: Barbeau JAFL XXIX 11.
A2231.3. Animal characteristics: punishment for working on holy day. A2234. Animal characteristics punishment for disobedience.
C911. Golden finger as sign of opening forbidden chamber. (Cf. C611.) — *Type 710; BP I 21 (Grimm Nos 3, 136). — Missouri French: Carrière.
D475.1. Transformation: objects to gold. D2100. Magic wealth.
C912. Hair turns to gold as punishment in forbidden chamber. (Cf. C611.) — *Types 314, 480; Fb "hår" I 771b; German: Grimm No. 136; Roberts Type 480 p. 174.
D475.1.10. Transformation: hair to gold. D1454.1. Hair furnishes treasure. D2100. Magic wealth.
C913. Bloody key as sign of disobedience. (Cf. C611, C813.) — *Types 311, 312: BP I 404ff.
D474.1. Transformation: key becomes bloody. D1176. Magic key. D1654.3. Indelible blood.
C913.1. Bloody egg as sign of disobedience. German: Grimm No. 46.
C915. Contents of forbidden receptacle are released.
C915.1. Troubles escape when forbidden casket is opened. See references to C321 (Tabu: looking into box).
C915.1.1. Music-box continues playing when it is touched contrary to tabu. — Köhler's notes to Gonzenbach Sicilianische Märchen No. 15.
A1174.1. Night (darkness) in package released. A2003. Origin of insects: released from sack. Looking tabu broken. C322.1. Bag of winds. Wind is confined in a bag. Man breaks prohibition against looking into bag and releases winds.