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C. Tabu
C936. War lost because of breaking tabu. Greek: *Grote II 130.
C937. God's favor lost for breaking tabu. (Cf. C621.) — Jewish: Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys; Tahiti: Henry 85; New Hebrides: Codrington 387; African (Ekoi): Talbot 129.
A1331. Paradise lost because of one sin.
C937.1. Immortality lost because of breach of tabu. African (Congo): Weeks 217.
A1335. Origin of death.
C938. Rulers of inferior character after tabu is broken. Irish myth: Cross.
P10. Kings. Q552.3. Failure of crops during reign of wicked king.
C939. Loss of fortune for breaking tabu — miscellaneous.
C939.1. Punishment for breaking tabu: water withdrawn from lake. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C939.2. Punishment for broken tabu: good money turns to counterfeit. India: Thompson-Balys.
C939.3. Felled trees (cut weeds) return to their places because of broken tabu. Maori: Clark 95; Tonga: Gifford 22.
D1602.2. Felled tree raises itself again.
C939.4. Golden Age ends as result of broken tabu. (Cf. A1101.1.) S. Am. Indian (Lengua): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (1) 369.
C940. Sickness or weakness for breaking tabu. Fb "sygdom" III 699a. — Irish myth: Cross; India: *Thompson-Balys; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 375; S. Am. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 173.
C31. Tabu: offending supernatural wife. C311. Tabu: seeing the supernatural. D1336. Magic object gives weakness. D1837. Magic weakness. D2064. Magic sickness.
C940.1. Princess's secret sickness from breaking tabu. (Cf. C55.) — *Type 613; BP I 322 n. 1 (Grimm No. 33).
D2064.1. Magic sickness because girl has thrown away her consecrated wafer. H1292.4.1. Question (propounded on quest): How can the princess be cured? — Answer: She must recover consecrated wafer which rat has stolen from her first communion. V34.2. Princess sick because toad has swallowed her consecrated wafer.
C940.2. Daughters' sickness because of father's breaking tabu. India: Thompson-Balys.
C941. Particular disease caused by breaking tabu.
F362. Fairies cause disease.
C941.1. Leprosy from breaking tabu. Gaster Exempla 187 No. 10. — Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys; Jewish: Neuman.
C941.2. Swelling of limbs from breaking tabu. India: Thompson-Balys.
C941.3. Sores on body from breaking tabu. India: Thompson-Balys.
C941.3.1. Sore mouth as punishment for breaking tabu. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 133; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen II 233.
C941.4. Plague for breaking tabu. See references for Q552.10.
Q552.10. Plague as punishment.
C941.5. Paralysis as punishment for broken tabu. African (Luba): DeClerq Zs. f. KS. IV 220.