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C. Tabu
C948.2. Nose to be cut off as punishment for breaking tabu. India: Thompson-Balys.
C948.3. Tongue of woman who breaks tabu protrudes and entwines itself around a post in the home. India: Thompson-Balys.
C948.4. Man's liver snatched away because of broken tabu. Hawaii:Beckwith Myth 118; African (Pangwe): Tessman 370, (Fang): Tessman 161.
Q501.4. Punishment of Prometheus.
C948.5. Man's lungs cut out because of broken tabu. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 89.
C948.6. Hand cut off for broken tabu. Jewish: Neuman.
C948.7. Face chilled because of broken tabu. Jewish: Neuman.
C948.8. Head shattered for breaking tabu. India: Thompson-Balys.
C949. Sickness or weakness for breaking tabu — miscellaneous. Irish myth: Cross.
C949.1. Insanity for breaking tabu. Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys; Icel.: Boberg.
C928. Death from insanity as punishment for breaking tabu.
C949.2. Baldness from breaking tabu. Irish myth: Cross; Tahiti: Henry 143.
C949.3. Sterility from breaking tabu. Jewish: Neuman.
C949.4. Bleeding from breaking tabu. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen II 164.
C949.5. Continued thirst from breaking tabu. (Cf. C924.) — Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 636.
C950. Person carried to other world for breaking tabu.
A751.1.1. Man in moon burns brush as punishment for doing so on Sunday.
C952. Immediate return to other world because of broken tabu. (Cf. C31, C31.4, C327.) — Type 710 (Gr. No. 3); Greek: Fox 229 (Persephone), 122 (Thetis); India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; Africa (Congo): Weeks 206 No. 3; (Fjort): Dennett 41 No 5.
C31. Tabu: offending supernatural wife. C932. Loss of wife for breaking tabu.
C953. Person must remain in other world because of broken tabu. Greek myth: Grote 137; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 295 No. 13; Jewish: Neuman; Marquesas: Handy 120, 122; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 371.
F81.1. Orpheus. Journey to land of dead, to bring back person from the dead.
C954. Person carried off to other world for breaking tabu. Type 470; Fb "sol" III 458a; India: Thompson-Balys.
F325.1. Fairies kidnap boy when he breaks tabu by going outside mansion under earth before twelve years.
C955. Banishment from heaven for breaking tabu. German: Grimm No. 3; Jewish: Neuman.