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C. Tabu
C963.4. Giants return to life if tabu is broken. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
C966. Change of language for breaking tabu. Frazer Golden Bough XII 341 s.v. "Language". — Jewish: Neuman.
A1333. Confusion of tongues. C771.1. Tabu: building too high a tower. — Tower of Babel.
C967. Valuable object turns to worthless, for breaking tabu. India: Thompson-Balys.
N558. Raised treasure turns into charcoal (shavings). If one takes it along it will turn into gold.
C968. Disenchantment for breaking tabu. German: Grimm No. 57.
D789.4. Disenchantment by breaking tabu.
C980. Miscellaneous punishments for breaking tabu.
C100.1. Sex tabu broken: child born without bones.
C982. Person beaten by whips for breaking tabu. Roberts Type 480, p. 216; Jewish: Neuman; African (Benga): Nassau 113 No. 11.
C983. Person must remain on mountain because of broken tabu. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
C984. Disaster because of broken tabu.
C984.1. Great wind because of broken tabu. (Cf. C58.) — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 308 Nos. 37, 38.
D906. Magic wind. D2141. Storm produced by magic. D2142. Wind produced by magic. D2143.1. Rain produced by magic.
C984.2. Storm because of broken tabu. Jewish: Neuman.
C984.3. Flood because of broken tabu. Chatham Island: Beckwith Myth 19, notes 10—12; Marquesas: Handy 114; S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 29.
A920.1.8.1. Lake from violating tabu. A1018. Flood as punishment for incest.
C984.4. Tidal wave for breaking tabu. Lau Islands: Beckwith Myth 19.
C984.4.1. Sea rolls in over the land from all sides and a sea serpent comes because of broken tabu. India: Thompson-Balys.
C984.5. Disastrous lightning for breaking tabu. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 188 No. 129.
C984.6. General conflagration for breaking tabu. S. Am. Indian (Witoto): Métraux MAFLS XL 36.
A1030. World fire.
C984.7. Village sinks in earth for violation of tabu. S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 30.
F941.2.2. Church and congregation sink to bottom of sea.
C984.8. Island split apart for broken tabu. Tahiti: Beckwith Myth 468.
C985. Physical changes in person because of broken tabu.
C985.1. Skin changes color because of broken tabu. (Cf. C94.3.) — Africa (Kaffir): Theal 67.
C985.2. Teeth blackened as punishment for breaking tabu. Irish myth: Cross.