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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature

Loomis, C. Grant. White Magic: an Introduction to the Folklore of Christian Legend. Cambridge (Mass.), 1948.

Loomis, R. S. Celtic Myth and Arthurian Romance. New York, 1927.

Loorits, Oskar. Grundzüge des estnischen Volksglaubens, Vol. I. Lund, 1949.

Lorentzen, Th. Die Sage vom Rodensteiner. Heidelberg, 1903.

*Löwis, A. von, of Menar. Die Brünhildsage in Russland (Palaestra No. 142). Leipzig, 1923.

*Luomala, Katherine. Maui-of-a-Thousand-Tricks. BMB CXCVIII. Honolulu, 1949.

Luzel, F. M. Contes populaires de Basse-Bretagne. 3 vols. Paris, 1887.

MacCulloch, J. A. *Celtic Mythology (The Mythology of all Races III). Boston, 1918.
*The Childhood of Fiction. London, 1905.
*Eddic Mythology (The Mythology of all Races II). Boston, 1930.

MacDougall, James, and Calder, George. Folk Tales and Fairy Lore in Gaelic and English. Edinburgh, 1910.

*Máchal, J. Slavic Mythology (The Mythology of all Races III). Boston, 1918.

MacKay, D. E. The Double Invitation in the Legend of Don Juan. Stanford University, 1943.

☉McKay, J. G. More West Highland Tales. Edinburgh and London, 1940.

MAFLS = Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society.

*Malalasekera, George Peiris. Dictionary of Pali Proper Names. 2 vols. London, 1937.

*Malory, Sir Thomas. Morte D'Arthur (many editions).

Mannhart, W. Wald und Feldkulte. 2 vols. 2d ed. Berlin, 1904—05.

*Mansfeld, Alfred. Urwald-Dokumente: Vier Jahre unter den Crossflussnegern Kameruns. Berlin, 1908.

Marie-Ursule, Sœur. Civilisation traditionelle des Lavalois. (Les Archives de Folklore V—VI). Quebec, 1951.

*Marguerite de Navarre. Heptameron. 3 vols. (ed. Díllage, Paris, 1879). (Analysis by Sarah C. Pinkney, University of South Carolina).

Meinhof, Carl. Afrikanische Märchen. Jena, 1921.

*Meinhof, Elli. Märchen aus Kamerun. Strassburg, 1889.

*Mélusine. 10 vols. Paris, 1878—1901.

Mensa Philosophica = T. F. Dunn. The Facetiae of the Mensa Philosophica (Washington University Studies, new series, Lang. and Lit. No. 5). St. Louis, 1934.

Métraux, Alfred. Ethnology of Easter Island. BMB CLX. Honolulu, 1940.
*Mitos y Cuentos de los Indios Chiriguano. RMLP XXXIII (1932), pp. 119—84.
*Myths of the Toba and Pilaga Indians of the Gran Chaco (MAFLS XL, 1946).