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A. Mythological Motifs
A2250. Animal characteristics: result of contest
A2260. Animal characteristics from transformation
A2270. Animal characteristics from miscellaneous causes
A2300—A2399. Causes of animal characteristics: body
A2310. Origin of animal characteristics: body covering
A2320. Origin of animal characteristics: head
A2330. Origin of animal characteristics: face
A2350. Origin of animal characteristics: trunk
A2370. Animal characteristics: extremities
A2380. Animal characteristics: other bodily features
A2400—A2499. Causes of animal characteristics: appearance and habits
A2400. Animal characteristics: general appearance
A2410. Animal characteristics: color and smell
A2420. Animal characteristics: voice and hearing
A2430. Animal characteristics: dwelling and food
A2440. Animal characteristics: carriage
A2450. Animal's daily work
A2460. Animal characteristics: attack and defense
A2470. Animal's habitual bodily movements
A2480. Periodic habits of animals
A2490. Other habits of animals
A2500—A2599. Animal characteristics — miscellaneous
A2510. Utility of animals
A2520. Disposition of animals
A2540. Other animal characteristics
A2600—A2699. Origin of trees and plants
A2600—A2649. Various origins of plants
A2600. Origin of plants
A2610. Creation of plants by transformation
A2620. Plants originate from experience of holy person
A2630. Other types of plant origins
A2650—A2699. Origin of various plants and trees
A2650. Origin of flowers
A2680. Origin of other plant forms
A2700—A2799. Origin of plant characteristics
A2700—A2749. Various origins of plant characteristics
A2710. Plant characteristics as reward
A2720. Plant characteristics as punishment
A2730. Miscellaneous reasons for plant characteristics
A2750—A2799. Origin of various plant characteristics
A2750. Interior and bark of plant
A2760. Leaves of plant
A2770. Other plant characteristics
A2800—A2899. Miscellaneous explanations
A2800—A2849. Miscellaneous explanations: origins
A2850—A2899. Miscellaneous explanations: characteristics