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A. Mythological Motifs
A32.2. Creator's daughter. India: Thompson-Balys.
A32.3. Creator's wife. India: Thompson-Balys. — So. Am. Indian (Mundurucu): Horton BBAE CXLIII (3) 281.
A32.3.1. Creator's wife seduced by his son. So. Am. Indian (Mundurucu): Horton BBAE CXLIII (3) 281.
A32.3.2. Creator beats his wife while intoxicated from beverage he invents. So. Am. Indian (Guarayú): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 147.
A33. Animal as creator's companion. India: Thompson-Balys.
A33.1. Beast as creator's companion.
A33.1.1. Creator's dog. The creator is accompanied by a dog (cf. A63.4). — *Dh I 98—111 passim, especially 108. — Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 347. — Kato: Goddard UCal V 183ff.
A33.2. Bird as creator's companion. India: Thompson-Balys; Sumatra: Dixon 160; Samoa, Tonga: ibid. *164 n. 33, 34.
A132.6.2. Goddess in form of bird. B450. Helpful birds.
A33.3. Insect as creator's companion.
A33.3.1. Bee as God's spy. God, the creator, sends a bee to overhear the devil's secrets. — *Dh I 3, 127ff.
B481.3. Helpful bee. K2375. Secrets learned by deception.
A33.4. Other animal companions of creator.
A33.4.1. Armadillo as creator's companion. So. Am. Indian (Mundurucu): Horton BBAE CXLIII (3) 281.
A36. Creator's companions: unicorn, phoenix, tortoise, and dragon. Chinese: Werner 76.
B11. Dragon. B13. Unicorn. B32. Phoenix.
A37. Joint creators.
A37.1. Falcon and crow as joint creators. Calif. Indian: Gayton and Newman 54.
A38. Heavenly bodies as creator's companions.
A38.1. Creator's companions: sun and moon. Jewish: Neuman.
A40. Creator's advisers. Jewish: Neuman.
A41. Men as God's advisers. *Dh I 3.
A42. Angels as God's advisers. Dh I 3, 31ff., 55, 187; Jewish: Neuman.
A42.1. Seraphim as creator's advisers. Jewish: Neuman.
A42.1.1. God consults two angels on creation. Jewish: Neuman.
A42.2. God consults mercy on his right and justice on his left. Jewish: Neuman.
A43. Devil as adviser of God. *Dh I 2f., 6, 12, 28, 31, 42, 44, 127ff., 144, 240, 388. — Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 313ff.
A812.1. Devil as Earth Diver. A810.1. God and Devil fly together over primeval water. A835. Earth from nut in devil's mouth. G303. Devil.
A44. Tora as God's adviser. Jewish: Neuman.