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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A104.2. Dead body becomes god. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 2.
A104.3. Miscellaneous objects become gods. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 2.
A104.4. Spirits become gods. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 45.
A106. Opposition of good and evil gods. Hindu: Keith 84; *Penzer I 197; India: Thompson-Balys. — Tarahumare (Mexican Indian): Alexander N. Am. 176; S. Am. Indians (Antioquians): Alexander Lat. Am. 197. — Jewish: Neuman.
A50. Conflict of good and evil creators. F531.7.1. Giants and gods in fight.
A106.0.1. Gods and the demons quarrel over supremacy. India: Thompson-Balys.
A106.1. Revolt of bad gods against good. Babylonian: Spence 75.
A525. Good and bad culture heroes. A1750. Animals created through opposition of devil to God. A1081. Battle of gods at end of world.
A106.1.1. Goddess rebels against her father for forbidding her marriage. India: Thompson-Balys.
A106.2. Revolt of evil angels against God. Jensen Dania II 180; Olrik ibid. II 67; Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3002, Legends Nos. 5, 6; Jewish: *Neuman; Irish: Beal. XXI 323.
A106.2.1. Revolting devil banished to hell. India: Thompson-Balys; Jewish: Neuman.
A106.2.1.1. Banished devil appears on earth only on day of dark moon. India: Thompson-Balys.
A300. God of the underworld.
A106.2.1.2. Demon (opposed to God) allowed to earth four times a year (but must let people know who he is and not deceive them). India: Thompson-Balys.
A106.2.2. Satan's fall from heaven. Jewish: Neuman.
A106.3. Created beings rebel against God. Jewish: Neuman.
A107. Gods of darkness and light. Darkness thought of as evil, light as good. — Babylonian: Spence 74; Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
A162.1.0.1. Recurrent battle. A1611.5.4.3. Origin of the Tuatha De Danann. A1659.1. Origin of the Fomorians. F200. Fairies. F531. Giant. S262. Periodic sacrifices to monster (giant, Fomorians). Z100.1. Names of giants (Fomorians) with sinister significance.
A108. God of the living and the dead in the otherworld. Chinese: Werner 248.
A108.1. God of the dead. Irish myth: Cross; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 60.
A310. God of the world of the dead. A487. God of death. E481.1.1.1. King of the land of the dead. F129.7. Voyage to isle of the dead. V11.6. Sacrifice to the dead.
A109. Deity: miscellaneous motifs.
A109.1. God as a triad. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 44; Icel.: Boberg.
A109.2. Goddess as mother of Pacific Ocean. Maori: Beckwith Myth 179.
A110. Origin of the gods.
F413. Origin of spirits. T541.4. Birth from person's head.