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A. Mythological Motifs
A116. Twin gods. *Harris Twins, Boanerges, Picus who is also Zeus; Krappe Études de mythologie 137ff.; Güntert Weltkönig 253ff.; S. Eitrem Die göttlichen Zwillinge bei den Griechen (Christiania 1902); H. Grégoire Saints jumeaux et dieux cavaliers (Paris 1905); J. R. Harris The Dioscuri in the Christian Legends (London 1903); Krappe The Classical Journal XVIII (1923) 502ff.; Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie LXVI (1929) 187ff.; "Les dieux jumeaux dans la religion germanique" Acta Philologica Scandinavica (1930); Review of Religion (1944) 123ff.; Revue Celtique XLIX (1932) 96ff; P. Saintyves, "Les Jumeaux, dans l'ethnographie et la mythologie," Revue Anthrop. XXXV (1925) 54—59; T. Gaster Oldest Stories 69. — Germanic: Helm Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte I 321ff.; Irish myth: Cross; Greek: Fox 26; Armenian: Ananikian 40; Hindu: Keith 30f. (Lettish also mentioned). — Zuni: Alexander N. Am. 188; Mixtec: Alexander Lat. Am. 86; Indians of Central Brazil: Ehrenreich International Cong. of Americanists XIV 661; Chiriguano: Métraux RMLP XXXIII 172.
A515.1.1. Twin culture heroes. T685. Twins.
A116.1. Twin gods — one mortal, other immortal. Harris Twins 4ff.
A116.2. Twin goddesses (or trinity of goddesses). Irish myth: Cross.
A485.1. Goddess of war.
A116.2.1. Twin daughters of a god. India: Thompson-Balys.
A117. Mortals become gods.
A117.1. First men created with eternal life become gods. India: Thompson-Balys.
A117.2. Mortal translated to heaven and deified. India: *Thompson-Balys; Maori: Clark Maori Folk Tales 167.
A117.3. In extreme old age spirits become gods. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 67.
A117.4. Mortal transfigured to god on mountain top. Maori: Beckwith Myth 250.
A117.5. Gods are spirits of deified dead. Easter Is.: Métraux Ethnology 316.
A118. Self-created deity. Tahiti: Henry 336f.
A119. Origin of gods — miscellaneous.
A119.1. God made by magic. Tahiti: Henry 341. — So. Am. Indian (Apapocuvá-Guarani): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 122.
A119.2. Goddess produced by heat of earth. Tahiti: Beckwith Myth 178.
A119.3. Arrival of the gods in particular country. Tonga: Gifford 199; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 2, 3, 11.
A120. Nature and appearance of the gods (cf. A18f.). Jewish: *Neuman.
D1981.1. Magic invisibility of gods. E251.4.4. God with form and characteristics of vampire.
A120.1. God as shape-shifter. Irish myth: Cross.
F234.0.2. Fairy as shape-shifter. F237. Fairies in disguise. K1301. Mortal woman seduced by god. K1811. Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals.
A120.2. Size-changing god. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 127.
A120.3. Incorporeal god. Jewish: Neuman.