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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A136.2.2. Goddess's chariot drawn by one-footed horse. Irish myth: Cross.
A136.3. God's chariot goes through the air. India: Thompson-Balys.
A724. Chariot of the sun. F861.2.1. Flying carts.
A136.3.1. Chariot of fire drawn by four steeds of fire. Jewish: Neuman.
A137. Pictorial representations of gods (cf. A131). Irish myth: Cross.
A137.1. God with hammer. Irish myth: Cross; Icel.: Boberg; Gaster Thespis 135, 363.
A137.1.1. God with axe. Irish myth: Cross.
A137.2. God with club. Irish myth: Cross.
A137.3. God with wheel. Irish myth: Cross.
A137.3.1. Wheel symbol. Irish myth: Cross.
F531.6.15.6. Giant rolls like wheel.
A137.3.1.1. Swastika (hooked cross). Irish myth: Cross.
A137.4. God (goddess) with basket. Irish myth: Cross.
A137.4.1. God carries brothers and sisters on his back in basket. Hivaoa (Marquesas): Handy 116.
A137.5. God (goddess) with cornucopia. Irish myth: Cross.
D1171. Magic vessel.
A137.6. Squatting god. Irish myth: Cross.
A137.7. The bull with three cranes (cf. A132.6). Irish myth: Cross.
B182. Magic cow (ox, bull).
A137.8. Small-pox deity rides nude on an ass with the half of a winnowing fan for an umbrella and with a swing in one hand and a broom in the other. India: Thompson-Balys.
A137.9. Goddess represented as mounted on a drake, attended by eight chief snakes attended by snake jewels. India: Thompson-Balys.
A137.10. God represented as king, world as his kingdom. Jewish: Neuman.
A137.11. God represented in cloud. Jewish: Neuman.
A137.12. God represented as bridegroom. Jewish: Neuman.
A137.13. God represented as priest. Jewish: Neuman.
A137.14. God represented with weapon. Jewish: Neuman.
A137.14.1. God represented with bow of fire. Jewish: Neuman.
A137.14.1.1. God represented with arrow of flames. Jewish: Neuman.
A137.14.2. God represented with spears as torches. Jewish: Neuman.
A137.14.3. God represented with clouds as shield. Jewish: Neuman.
A137.14.4. God represented with lightning flashes as sword. Jewish: Neuman.