Page:Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.djvu/130

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On the Treatment of Servants.

profit by experience, and not lament irremediable evils.

A benevolent perſon muſt ever wiſh to ſee thoſe around them comfortable, and try to be the cauſe of that comfort. The wide difference which education makes, I ſhould ſuppoſe, would prevent familiarity in the way of equality; yet kindneſs muſt be ſhewn, if we are deſirous that our domeſtics ſhould be attached to our interest and perſons. How pleaſing it is to be attended with a ſmile of willingneſs, to be conſulted when they are at a loſs, and looked up to as a friend and benefactor when they are in diſtreſs. It
