Page:Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.djvu/135

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The Obſervance of Sunday.

are ſo loſt in their ſenſes, that if this day did not continually remind them, they would ſoon forget that there was a God in the world. Some forms are neceſſary to ſupport vital religion, and without them it would ſoon languiſh, and at laſt expire.

It is unfortunate, that this day is either kept with puritanical exactneſs, which renders it very irkſome, or loſt in diſſipation and thoughtleſſneſs. Either way is very prejudicial to the minds of children and ſervants, who ought not to be let run wild, nor confined too ſtrictly; and, above all, ſhould not ſee their parents or maſters
