Page:Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.djvu/141

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of fluctuating Principles.

can live without it, I can ſcarcely conceive. For as the ſun renews the face of nature, and chaſes away darkneſs from the world, ſo does this, ſtill greater bleſſing, have the ſame effect on the mind, and enlightens and cheers it when every thing elſe fails.

A true ſenſe of our infirmities is the way to make us chriſtians in the moſt extenſive ſenſe of the word. A mind depreſſed with a weight of weakneſſes can only find comfort in the promiſes of the Goſpel. The aſſiſtance there offered muſt raiſe the humble ſoul; and the account of the atonement that has been made, gives a rational
