Page:Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.djvu/53

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The Fine Arts.

them to be ſilent, and not feign raptures they do not feel; for nothing can be more ridiculous.

In muſic I prefer expreſſion to execution. The ſimple melody of ſome artleſs airs has often ſoothed my mind when it has been harraſſed by care; and I have been raiſed from the very depths of ſorrow, by the ſublime harmony of ſome of Handel's compoſitions. I have been lifted above this little ſcene of grief and care, and muſed on Him, from whom all bounty flows.

A perſon muſt have ſenſe, taſte, and ſenſibility, to render their muſic inte-
