Page:Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.djvu/74

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The Temper.

from ignorance, and is frequently termed diffidence; but which does not, in my opinion, deſerve ſuch a diſtinction. True humility is not innate, but like every other good quality muſt be cultivated. Reflections on miſcarriages of conduct, and miſtakes in opinion, ſink it deep into the mind; eſpecially if thoſe miſcarriages and miſtakes have been a cauſe of pain—when we ſmart for our folly we remember it.

Few people look into their own hearts, or think of their tempers, though they ſeverely cenſure others, on whoſe ſide they ſay the fault always lies. Now I am apt to believe, that
