Page:Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.djvu/88

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Unfortunate Situation, &c.

learn to be virtuous; and He who is training us up for immortal bliſs, knows beſt what trials will contribute to make us ſo; and our reſignation and improvement will render us reſpectable to ourſelves, and to that Being, whoſe approbation is of more value than life itſelf. It is true, tribulation produces anguiſh, and we would fain avoid the bitter cup, though convinced its effects would be the moſt ſalutary. The Almighty is then the kind parent, who chaſtens and educates, and indulges us not when it would tend to our hurt. He is compaſſion itſelf, and never wounds but to heal, when the ends of correction are anſwered.