Page:Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.djvu/98

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Nothing can more tend to deſtroy peace of mind, than platonic attachments. They are begun in falſe refinement, and frequently end in ſorrow, if not in guilt. The two extremes often meet, and virtue carried to exceſs will ſometimes lead to the oppoſite vice. Not that I mean to inſinuate that there is no ſuch thing as friendſhip between perſons of different ſexes; I am convinced of the contrary. I only mean to obſerve, that if a woman's heart is diſengaged, ſhe ſhould not give way to a pleaſing deluſion, and imagine ſhe will be ſatisfied with the friendſhip of a man ſhe admires, and prefers to the reſt of the world.
