Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/232

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Of the number Eight, and the Scale thereof. The Pythagoreans call eight the number of justice, and fulness: first, because it is first of all divided into numbers equally even, viz. into four, and that division is by the same reason made into twice two, viz. by twice two twice; and by reason of this equality of division, it took to it self the name of justice, but the other received the name, viz. of fulness, by reason of the contexture of the corporeall solidity, since the first makes a solid body. Hence that custome of Orpheus, swearing by eight dieties, if at any time he would beseech divine justice, whose names are these. Fire, Water, Earth, the Heaven, Moon, Sun, Phanes, the Night. There are also only eight visible Spheres of the heavens: also by it the property of corporeall nature is signified, which Orpheus comprehends in eight of his Sea songs. This is also called the covenant of circumcision, which was commanded to be done by the Jewes the eight day.

There were also in the old Law eight ornaments of the Priest, viz. a breast-plate, a coat, a girdle, a myter, a robe, an Ephod, a girdle of the Ephod, a golden plate; hither\ belongs the number to eternity, and the end of the world, because it follows the number seven, which is the mysterie of time: hence also the number of blessedness; for Christ teacheth so many degrees of blessednesses, as you may see in Matthew: It is also called the number of safety, and conservation, for there were so many souls of the sons of Jesse, from which David was the eighth. Also Zacharias, the father of John, received his speech the eighth day. They say this number was dedicated to Dionysius, because he was born the eighth moneth, in everlasting memory whereof, Naxos the Iland was dedicated to him, which obtained this prerogative, that only the women of Naxos should safely bring forth in the eighth moneth, and their children should live, whereas the children of the eighth moneth in other Nations dy, and their mothers then bringing forth are in manifest danger.