Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/243

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The Scale of the Number twelve.

The names of God with twelve letters הוא
אב בן ורוח הקדש
Father, Son, Holy Ghost.
In the originall world.
The great name returned back into twelve banners. יהוה יההו יוהה הוהי הויה ההיו והיה יוהה וההי היהו היוה ההוי
Twelve orders of the blessed Spirits. Seraphim. Cherubim. Thrones. Dominations. Powers. Vertues. Principalities. Archangels. Angels. Innocents. Martyrs. Confessors. In the Intelligible world.
Twelve Angels ruling over the signs. Malchidiel. Asmodel. Ambriel. Muriel. Verchiel. Hamaliel. Zuriel. Barbiel. Adnachiel. Hanael. Gabriel. Barchiel.
Twelve Tribes: Dan. Ruben. Judah. Manasseh. Asher. Simeon. Issachar. Benjamin. Napthalin. Gad. Zabulon. Ephraim.
Twelve Prophets. Malachi. Haggai. Zachary. Amos. Hosea. Micha. Jonah. Obadiah. Zephaniah Nahum. Habakuk Joel.
Twelve Apostles. Mathias. Thadeus. Simon. John. Peters. Andrew. Bartholemew. Philip. James the elder Thomas. Matthew. James the yonger.
Twelve signs of the Zodiack. Aries. Taurus. Gemini. Cancer. Leo. Virgo. Libra. Scorpio. Sagittarius. Capricorn. Aquarius. Pisces. In the Celestiall world.
Twelve Moneths. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. Novemb. December. January. February. In the Elementall world.
Twelve Plants. SSang. Upright Vervain. Bending Vervain. Comfrey. Lady's Seal. Calamint. Scorpion-grass. Mugwort. Pimpernel. Dock. Dragon-wort. Aristolochy.
Twelve stones. Sardonius. A Carneol. Topaze Calcedony. Jasper. Emrald. Berill. Amethyst. Hyacinth. Chrysoprasus. Crystall. Saphir.
Twelve principall members. The head. The neck. The arms. The brest. The heart. The belly. The kidnies. Genitals. The hams. Knees. Legs. Feet. In the Elementary world.
Twelve degrees of the damned, and of Divels. False gods Lying spirits. Vessels of iniquity. Revengers of wickedness. Juglers. Aery powers. Furies the sowers of evils. Sifters or Tryers. Tempters or ensnarers. Witches. Apostates. Infidels. In the infernall world.