Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/285

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fire, the Lydian to blood and air; the mixt Lydian to melancholy and earth: Others respecting the number and vertue of the Heavens, have attributed the Dorian to the Sun, the Phrygian to Mars, the Lydian to Jupiter, the mixt Lydian to Saturn, the Hypophrygian to Mercury, the Hypolydian to Venus, the Hypodorian to the Moon, the Hypo mixed Lydian to the mixed Stars: Moreover they refer these modes of Musick to the Muses, and the strings to the Heavens, but not in that order as we have declared concerning the nine Muses, amongst our numbers and celestial souls; for they say Thalia hath no Harmony, therefore ascribe her to Silence, and the Earth; but Clio with the Moon move after the Hypodorian manner; the string Proslambanomenos or Air. Calliope and Mercury possess the Hypophrygian maner, and the Chord, Hypate-Hypaton, or B. Mi. Terpsichore with Venus the Hypolydian manner, and Parahypote, Hypaton; and for Melpomene and the Dorian manner with Licanos, Hypaton, or D. Sol. Re. are applied to the Sun. Erato with Mars keep the Phrygian fashion, and the Hypatemise, or Euterpe, and the Lydian Musick, and Pachyparemeson agree with Jupiter; Polymnia and Saturn keep the mixt Lydian manner, and Lichanos Meson D.Sol.Re. To Urania and the fixt Stars the Jypo mixt Lydian Musick, and the string Mese, or are ascribed, as we reade them expressed in these Verses.

Silent Thalia we to th' Earth compare,
For she by Musick never doth ensnare,
After the
Hypodorian Clio sings,
Persephone likewise doth strike the Base strings;
Calliope also doth Chord sedond touch,
Using the
Phrygian; Mercury as much:
Terpsichore strikes the third, and that rare,
Lydian Musick makes so Venus fair. Melpomene, and Titan do with a grace
Dorian Musick use in the fourth place.
The fift ascribed is to
Mars the god
Of War, and
Erato after the rare mode