Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/316

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but also in Images, Seals, Rings, Glasses, and some other Instruments, being opportunely framed under a certain constellation, some Celestiall Illustration may be taken, and some wonderfull thing may be received; for the beams of the Celestiall bodies betng animated, living, sensuall, and bringing along with them admirable gifts, and a most violent power, do, even in a moment, and at the first touch, imprint wonderfull powers in the Images, though their matter be less capable. Yet they bestow more powerfull vertues on the Images, if they be framed not of any, but of a certain matter, namely whose naturall, and also specificall vertue is agreeable with the work, and the figure of the image is like to the Celestial; for such an Image, both in regard of the matter naturally congruous to the operation and Celestiall influence, and also for its figure being like to the Heavenly one, is best prepared to receive the operations and powers of the Celestiall bodies and figures, and instantly receiveth the Heavenly gift into it self; then it constantly worketh on another thing, and other things do yeeld obedience to it. Hence saith Ptolemy in centiloquio, that inferior things do obey the Celestiall, and not only them, but also even their Images; Even as earthly Scorpions obey not only the Celestiall Scorpion, but also his Image, if it shall be opportunely figured under his ascent and Dominion.

Chap. xxxvi.