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to come, and made it on the day of Mercuy, on the third hour of Saturn, the sign of Gemini ascending, being the house of Mercury, signifying prophet, Saturn and Mercury being in conjunction in Aquarius in the ninth place of Heaven, which is also called God; Moreover let Saturn have a trine aspect on the ascendent, and the Moon in like manner, and the Sun have an aspect on the place of conjunction. Venus obtaining some Angle may be powerfull and occidentall; let Mars be combust by the Sun, but let it not have an aspect on Saturn and Mercury; for they said, that the splendor of the powers of these Stars was diffused upon this Image, and it did speak with men, and declare those things which are profitable for them.

Chap. xxxix. Of the Images of Jupiter. From the operations of Jupiter, they made for prolongation of life, an Image, in the hour of Jupiter, Jupiter being in his exaltation fortunately ascending, in a clear and white stone, whose figure was a man crowned, cloathed with garments of a Saffron Colour, riding upon an Eagle or Dragon, having in his right hand a dart, about as it were to strike it into the head of the same Eagle or Dragon. They made also another Image of Jupiter at the same convenient season, in a white and clear stone, especially in Crystall, and it was a naked man crowned, having both his hands joyned together and lifted up, as it were deprecating something, sitting in a four-footed chair, which is carried by four winged boys, and they affirm that this Image encreaseth felicity, riches, honor, and conferreth Benevolence and prosperity, and freeth from enemies; They made also another Image of Jupiter for a religious and glorious life, and advancement of fortune; whose figure was a man having the head of a Lyon, or a Ram, and Eagles feet, cloathed in Saffron coloured cloathes, and he was called the son of Jupiter.