Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/50

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they are called third qualities, which follow the ſecond, as the ſecond do the firſt. According therefore to theſe firſt, ſecond, and third qualities many diſeaſes are both cured, and cauſed. Many things alſo there are artificially made, which men much wonder at; as is Fire, which burns Water, which they call the Greek Fire, of which Ariſtotle teacheth many compoſitions in his particular Treatiſe of this ſubject. In like manner there is made a Fire that is extinguiſhed with Oyl, and is kindled with cold Water, when it is ſprinkled upon it; and a Fire which is kindled either with Rain, Wind, or the Sun; and there is made a Fire, which is called burning Water, the Confection whereof is well known, and it conſumes nothing but it ſelf: and alſo there are made Fires that cannot be quenched, and incombuſtible Oyles, and perpetuall Lamps, which can be extinguiſhed neither with Wind, nor Water, nor any other way; which ſeems utterly incredible, but that there had been ſuch a moſt famous Lamp, which once did ſhine in the Temple of Venus, in which the ſtone Aſbeſtus did burn, which being once fired can never be extinguiſhed. Alſo on the contrary, Wood, or any other combuſtible matter may be ſo ordered, that it can receive no harm from the Fire; and there are made certain Confections, with which the hands being anointed, we may carry red hot Iron in them, or put them into melted Metall, or go with our whole bodies, being firſt anointed therewith, into the Fire without any manner of harm, and ſuch like things as theſe may be done. There is alſo a kind of flax, which Pliny cals Aſbeſtum, the Greeks call ἀσβεϛον, which is not conſumed by Fire, of which Anaxilaus ſaith, that a Tree compaſſed about with it, may be cut down with inſenſible blows, that cannot be heard.

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