Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/80

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Libanotis, which Orpheus cals the sweet perfume of the Sun. Amongst Animals those are Solary which are magnanimous, couragious, ambitious of victory, and renown: as the Lyon, King of beasts, the Crocodile, the spotted Wolf, the Ram, the Boar, the Bull, King of the herd, which was by the Egyptians at Heliopolis dedicated to the Sun, which they called Verites; and an Ox was consecrated to Apis in Memphi, and in Herminthus a Bull by the name of Pathis. The Wolf also was consecrated to Apollo, and Latona. Also the beast called Baboon is Solary, which twelve times in a day, viz. every hour barks, and in time of Equinoctium pisseth twelve times every hour: the same also it doth in the night, whence the Egyptians did Engrave him upon their Fountains. Also amongst birds these are Solary, The Phoenix, being but one of that kind, and the Eagle, the Queen of birds, also the Vulture, the Swan, and those which sing at the rising Sun, and as it were call upon it to rise, as the Cock, Crow, also the Hawk, which because it in the Divinity of the Egyptians is an emblem of the spirit, and light, is by Porphyrius reckoned amongst the Solary birds. Moreover, all such things as have some resemblance of the works of the Sun, as Worms shining in the night, and the Betle, which is a creature that lies under Cow-dung, also according to Appious interpretation, such whose eyes are changed according to the course of the Sun, are accounted Solary, and those things which come of them. And amongst fish, the Sea Calf is chiefly Solary, who doth resist lightning, also shell fish, and the fish called Pulmo, both which shine in the night, and the fish called Stella for his parching heat, and the fish called Strombi, that follow their King, and Margari, which also have a King, and being dryed, are hardened into a stone of a golden colour.