Page:Three Poems upon the death of the late Usurper Oliver Cromwell (1682).djvu/18

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And trembling wish't behind more Alpes to stand,
Although an Alxander were her guard.


By his command we boldly crost the Line,

And bravely fought where Southern Stars arise,
We trac'd the far fetch'd Gold unto the Mine,
And that which brib'd our Fathers made our prize.


Such was our Prince; yet own'd a Soul above

The highest Acts it could produce to show:
Thus poor Mechanique Arts in publick move
Whilst the deep Secrets beyond practice go.


Nor dy'd he when his ebbing Fame went less,

But when fresh Lawrels courted him to live;
He seem'd but to prevent some new success;
As if above what triumphs Earth can give.


His latest Victories still thickest came,

As, near the Center, Motion does increase;
Till he press'd down by his own weighty name,
Did, like the Vestal, under Spoils decease.


But first the Ocean as a tribute sent

That Giant Prince of all her watery Heard,
And th' Isle when her Protecting Genius went
Upon his Obsequies loud sighs confer'd.


No Civil broyls have since his death arose,

But Faction now by habit does obey:
And Wars have that respect for his repose,
As Winds for Halcyons when they breed at Sea.

37. His