Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/153

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One day of good preaching is no match for six days of inconsistent practice. God will never honor His church with complete success until it completely honors Him.

Depend upon it, as long as the church is living so much like the world, we cannot expect our children to be brought into the fold.

We must reinstate Jesus in the rightful place which belongs to Him in the church; or the church will soon be driven into the wilderness.

What if every Christian would say: "Lord, I want a revival. Let it begin in me. Give me the earnestness, faith, and tenderness that I am looking for in others. Make me such a devoted worker as I think my minister or brother or sister ought to be. Let the revival begin in me, and begin now. 'Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?'"

The Congregationalist.

If the Church would have her face shine, she must go up into the mount, and be alone with God. If she would have her courts of worship resound with eucharistic praises, she must open her eyes, and see humanity lying lame at the temple gates, and heal it in the miraculous name of Jesus.

I think I speak not too strongly when I say that a church in the land without the Spirit of God is rather a curse than a blessing. If you have not the Spirit of God, Christian worker, remember you stand in somebody else's way; you are a tree bearing no fruit, standing where another fruitful tree might grow.