Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/256

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Oh! it irradiates all our days with lofty beauty, and it makes them all hallowed and divine, when we feel that not the apparent greatness, not the prominence nor noise with which it is done, nor the external consequences which flow from it, but the motive from which it flowed, determines the worth of our deed in God's eyes. Faithfulness is faithfulness, on whatsoever scale it be set forth.

When the fight thickens the captain says, "Steady, boys;" and it is their steadiness which pulls the soldiers through. Fitful soldiers are rarely useful ones. That is our great need to-day, steady Christians—men and women you can count on. Many Christians are like intermittent springs. They flow to-day—to-morrow you cannot get a thimbleful of religious activity out of the dried channel of their lives.


Only be steadfast, never waver,
   Nor seek earth's favor,
          But rest;
Thou knowest what God wills must be
For all His creatures—so for thee—
          The best.

The root of all steadfastness is in consecration to God.

If, after an absolute consecration to Him, and a conviction in conscience that He requires something of us, we hesitate, delay, lose courage, dilute what He would have us do, indulge fear for our comfort or safety, desire to shield ourselves from suffering and obloquy, or seek to find some excuse for not performing a difficult or painful duty, we are truly guilty in His sight.
