Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/370

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Justification is the act of God as a Judge; adoption as a Father; by the former we are discharged from condemnation, and accepted as righteous; by the latter we are made the children of God and joint-heirs with Christ.

Justification is the work of Christ for us; sanctification the work of the Spirit in us; justification is perfect at once; sanctification is progressive; justification is before sanctification, and sanctification is the fruit of justification; consequently the evidence of our justification is our sanctification.

Justification by faith is the answer to that momentous question, "How shall man be just with God?" And the reply is, "Not by works of his own, but by faith in the work of another, that is Christ." He must have a righteousness in which to stand before a righteous and a holy, as well as a merciful God. He has no such righteousness of his own. Christ is the end of the law for righteousness unto him.

The thief upon the cross and the beloved John were alike complete in Christ.



I expect to pass through this life but once. If therefore there be any kindnesses I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow beings, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.