Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/401

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Of all earthly music that which reaches farthest into heaven is the music of a loving heart.

Love reflects the thing beloved.

Affection is the broadest basis of a good life.

Heaven's harmony is universal love.


Of the systems above us, angelic and seraphic, we know little; but we see one law, simple, efficient, and comprehensive as that of gravitation,—the law of love,—extending its sway over the whole of God's dominions, living where He lives, embracing every moral movement in its universal authority, and producing the same harmony, where it is obeyed as we observe in the movements of nature.

The love that gushes for all is the real elixir of life—the fountain of bodily longevity. It is the lack of this that always produces the feeling of age.

God be thanked that there are some in the world to whose hearts the barnacles will not cling.

The incarnation of God in Christ reveals this truth, that the love that seeks and saves the lost is a love that suffers. On the one side there is loss, Gethsemane and the rugged burden of Golgotha, but on the other is gain, the gain of a world's redemption.