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Teach us to submit ourselves to Thy chastenings, believing Thy love in them all. Thou hast given us Christ, and in Him eternal life. Oh, how can we think Thou wouldst withhold from us any thing else if it were good for us! Lord, let us not choose for ourselves. Choose Thou for us in Thy wisdom and love, and let our hearts approve Thy choice. Be Thou our portion, our light, and our joy in Christ Jesus. Help us ever watchfully to cherish a meek and quiet spirit, ever looking unto Him who was meek and lowly of heart, that we may find rest unto our souls.

Hall's Family Prayers.

Lord, my God, do Thou Thy holy will,
          I will lie still.
I will not stir, lest I forsake Thine arm,
          And break the charm
Which lulls me, clinging to my Father's breast,
          To perfect rest.

Give, O Lord, what Thou commandest, and then command what Thou wilt.

We are content to take what Thou shalt give,
     To work or suffer as Thy choice shall be;
Forsaking what Thy wisdom bids us leave,
     Glad in the thought that we are pleasing Thee.

Resignation,—not to a whirlwind of inexorable forces, not to powers that cannot see or hear or feel, but to One who lives forever, and who loves us well, and who has given us all that we have, ay, life itself, that we may at His bidding freely give it back to Him.