Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/597

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Exercise your God-given power of trust. Look up! Salvation is provided, and nothing remains to be done. Take hold! Take hold! Do not wait!

Lay hold on Christ with both your poor, empty hands.

Seek not only to know about the Saviour, but seek confidence in Him, seek to know Him as your own.

Trust Christ! and a great benediction of tranquil repose comes down upon the calm mind and the tranquil heart.

We are to do what Paul meant, when he said that he had committed to Christ what He was able to keep. You have treasures that you dare not leave in your own house, and so you lock them up in some safety-deposit vault. When they are thus secured, you feel little anxiety regarding them.

We trust as we love, and we trust where we love; if you love Christ much surely you will trust Him much.

Do you ask why Mary Magdalene was the one chosen to whom first of all Christ should show Himself after the resurrection? This we know—she trusted in Him, and she loved Him; she waited at His sepulchre; she sought, she looked, she wept; and if we would have Christ reveal Himself to us, we, too, must seek and wait and long and trust and love.