Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/672

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Thank God for it, 299 b.
  • Heart.See also Soul.
How to guard it, 108 c.
Let it be God's alone, 43 b.
  • Heaven: 299-309.
Begins here, 304 c-e.
Closed against selfishness, 535 f, 561 e.
Desirability of, 308 d.
Development in, 307 a-308 e.
Foretaste of, 278 c.
Friends in, 304 f-306 e, 310 d.
Glimpses of, 381 f, 382 a.
Glory of, 211 e, 212 a, 299 e, f, 300 b.
Home, 302 e, f, 303 b, 308 e, f, 326 a-327 c.
How gained, 564 b.
Joy of, 303 a-304 b, 367 b, 309 c, 306 d.
Longing for, 300 a, 302 a-e, 308 c, 309 a, 406 f, 613 c.
Memories of, 407 c.
Nearness of, 308 e, 309 b, 613 d.
Prayer for, 309 c.
Proof personal of, 339 c.
Purity of, 302 a, b.
Rest of, 299 d, 300 c, d, f, 302 c, d, 304 a, b, g, 306 e, 309 c, 517 d, e, 518 a-c, 613 b.
Without sorrow or suffering, 300 c-f, 306 d, 309 b.
  • Heavenly Influences: 309-310.
All about us, 309 d-310 b, 318 a.
Calling us upward, 28 a, 52 c, 310 a-d, 339 d, 564 d.
Absence of Holy Spirit, 311 a.
Congenial, 311 a, 312 a, b.
Labor for, 311 d, e.
Memories of, 407, 408 b.
Natural consequence of sin, 548 a, b, 549 a.
Revealed by Christ, 311 c.
Sorrow and suffering of, 311 b, 401 a.
Without repentance, 312 a, 546 d.
  • Heroism: 312-314.
Examples of, 313 a, b, 314 a.
Influence of, 569 a.
Needed to-day, 312 d.
Springs from faith, 313 a, b.
True character of, 312 c, e, 313 a-314 a, 451 a, b.
  • History, religion in, 498 d, 499 a, 500 a.
  • Holiness: 314-317.See also Christian Life, Piety, and Sanctification.
Beauty of, 315 c.
Beginning of, 491 e.
Christ looks for it, 315 e, f.
Effects of, 315 a, b, 316 a, c, 549 b.
Exhortation to, 314 d, 315 g, 316 a, d, f, 317 b, e.
How to strengthen it, 314 e.
Nature of, 314 a-c, 315 b, f, g, 316 c, 317 e, 496 d.
Opposed to selfishness, 536 a-c.
Sign of discipleship, 315 d, 316 c, 317 a, c, d, 551 g.
Through suffering, 108 a, 315 g, h, 486 g.
Trust in, 541 c, d.
  • Holy Spirit: 317-323.
Conditions of its reception, 319 b, e, 321 d, 543 b.
Fruits of, 320 a, 321 a, c.
In the church, 144 d, 145 f, 148 c, 318 e, 321 e, 322 b-d, 323 a.