Page:Three Thousand Selected Quotations from Brilliant Writers.djvu/688

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How to find it, 195 d, 389 c, d, 390 a.
Imperishable, 603 c.
Indispensable, 603 i.
Nature of, 602 e, f, 603 b, d, e, f, h, 604 f, 605 a.
Old, 605 g.
Pray over it, 605 b.
Promulgation of, 290 a.
Rock, a, 92 c.
Simple, 605 h, 606 a.
Soiled, 606 b.
Source of, 603 g.
Visions of, 603 f, 604 a, b.
When credible, 605 c, d.
  • Unbelief: 607-608.See also Impenitence.
At death, 608 c.
Criminality of, 607a-608 b.
Effect of, 607 a.
Grieves Christ, 96 e.
Nature of, 607 b.
Self-confidence, 608 b.
  • Union to Christ: 608-610.
Assurance of, 610 d.
Blessedness of, 151 d, 609 c-610 c.
Effect of, 608 e.
Mystery of, 423 c.
Need of, 543 a, 608 d, 609 a-d.
Prayer for, 609 e.
Strengthened by discipline, 585 b.
  • Universe: 610-611.
All things connected, 611 a.
Cannot give contentment, 558 d.
Immensity of, 610 e, 619 f.
  • Unworthiness: 152 b.See also Sin, etc.
  • Usefulness, is joyous, 48 d.
  • Virtue 611-612.
Conditions of, 611 e.
Gives true elevation, 611 d.
How strengthened, 612 c.
Nature of, 611 b, 612 b, d.
Results of, 612 a, e.
  • Visions, of angels to dying saints, 182 d.
  • Volition, 582 a-e.See also Will.
  • Waiting: 612-613.
And weary, 613 b.
Object of, 613 e.
Prayer for patience in, 613 a.
Service in, 612 f.
Will soon end, 613 c, d.
Antidote for, 614 a.
Destroys freedom, 614 b.
Fruits of, 613 f.
  • Weakness, human, 202 a, d.
  • Weariness: 614.
Prayer for rest, 614 c.
Rest from, 590 c, 614 f.
Sense of, 614 d, e.
Direction of, 615 d.
Freedom of, 615 a.
Gives strength to motive, 420 a.
God's, 616 b, c.
In exercise, 615 c.
Obdurate, 615 e.
Prayer for renewal of, 615 b.
Surrender of, 544 b.
Voice of, 615 f.
Want of, 616 a.
  • Wisdom: 616-617.
And knowledge, 365 f, 366 b, d.
God's, 544 c.See also God's Omniscience.
Immediate, 616 d.
In exercise, 617 a-e.