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for sea bathing. Marstrand was the first bathing place we came to, visited annually by about 2000 bathers. The town has a handsome cleanly appearance, and opposite the town rises the fortress of Karlesten, called, I do not know why, the "Gibralter of the North." Leaving Marstrand behind we came to the still busier bathing place Lysekil. The baths are handsome, and there are many beautiful villas in the town.

The wind was blowing strongly from the morning, and when we left Lysekil, we had to pass through a bit of the open sea for about an hour and a half. A rough voyage in the sea of the Vikings.The steamer which was a very small one began to roll uncomfortably. The wind rose higher every moment, and high waves came sweeping across the open sea and dashed against the little boat and sent her spinning along almost on one side! To stand on the deck was impossible,—to sit was difficult without holding fast to the rails! I saw the Captain looking uncomfortable, and the crew were also watching the sea with some anxiety on their face, and I confess that, however much interested in ancient history, I hardly relished the idea of laying my bones with those of the ancient Vikings in the bottom of these bleak seas. I had seen much worse weather and rougher sea before,—but not in such a small boat as this,—and we were all glad therefore when after half an hour of really bad rolling, (such as I would not like to experience again!) we neared land at last and entered a harbour near another seaport town. After some passengers had landed there the Captain hesitated