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It took but a few seconds to gain the vicinity of the little waterfall but before they came up they heard the third shot and another yell from Noel.

"My gracious!" burst from Allen's throat, as he beheld the awful scene.

Noel was lying partly on his back, with one foot pressed against the wolverine's stomach. The wild beast still held the young man by the arm.

Allen realized that whatever good was to be done must be done instantly, and without stopping to think twice he blazed away at the wolverine, twice in quick succession. Watson likewise fired, and the creature was struck each time. With a yelp that was almost human the wolverine turned, let go his hold on Noel, and leaped for Allen.

"Take care!" yelled Watson, and then fired another shot, just as the wolverine, unable to reach Allen s throat, made a clutch at his left leg. The shot from the old hunter took the beast directly in the right eye, piercing his brain, and he fell over like a lump of lead, to move no more.

"A close shave fer ye," remarked Watson, when he saw that Allen was uninjured. "A big