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"No, he got under a fallen tree," answered Allen.

The unconscious man was placed in a comfortable position near the fire, which was heaped up with fresh wood, that all might dry themselves, and Watson went to work to restore Slavin.

This was no mean task and it was a good half hour before the man opened his eyes to stare about him.

"I—I—where am I?" he stammered.

"Yer safe," answered Watson, laconically.

"That tree—Did I go over into the hollow?"


"How did I escape?"

"Allen Winthrop saved ye."

"He did!"

"Yes, Slavin; he's yer best friend, if ye only know it," went on the old hunter warmly.

"But I—don't—don't understand."

In a few words Watson explained the situation to which Slavin listened with much interest. Then his eyes rested on Allen.

"I'm much erbliged ter ye," he said slowly, and his manner showed he meant it.

"You were a fool ter try ter git away," went on Watson.