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"But they did not succeed, did they?"

"No. I told them I would die rather than allow the scoundrels to get rich through my instrumentality."

A scuffle behind them stopped the conversation. Ike Watson was trying to secure the woman, who was struggling desperately to get away.

By biting and scratching the desperate female at last freed herself from the old hunter s grasp. Then she bounded for the cave entrance. Watson aimed his gun at her and then lowered the weapon.

"Reckon I won't," he drawled. "Never did shoot at a woman, an' I'm too old ter begin now. She don't count, anyhow!"

And thus the woman was allowed to escape. She lost no time in quitting the vicinity.

The old hunter shook hands warmly with Barnaby Winthrop, who was profuse in his thanks to Watson for what he had accomplished.

"You shall lose nothing by what you have done, Ike," he said. "Just wait till I open up that new claim."

"Speaking of the claim, there is somebody else to see you," began Allen, when the talk was interrupted by the clattering of horses hoofs on the rocks outside.